Jabiz is recently contacted by TEDx-Tehran in order to record 3 minutes of music by a Dutch composer in order to stream it for TEDx-Countdown on 23rd October which concerns the climate change.
In the current political situation where east and west are being forced to mix and are struggling to accept each other’s cultural differences, it is more important than ever to introduce far away cultures to different folks through arts. Jabiz considers it her mission as a musician to contribute to this with her performances.
In addition, for the TEDx-Women on 27 November, they invite her to give a speech based on the theme 'Fearless' as a successful female entrepreneur.
Musicamaxima supports Jabiz with a contribution to the costs to make this recording.
Respond of the assessment of the request:
Connecting of cultures is one of the capabilties of Music and Performing arts. The language of art can interlace, and open our mind to become interested in eachother and get engaged with eachother. We hope that our contribution to the work of Jabiz can be one of these mind-opening initiatives.
Jabiz started after her graduation a project called ‘Rumi Cycle’ which has been commissioned by Gaudeamus Music festival in Utrecht. The project was a song cycle consist of 7 songs related to ‘7 Valleys of Love’ based on Rumi`s poetry from his book 'Masnavi', The composition was based of mixing genres of western classical with Persian modes with contemporary approach), the world premier of the piece was on 11 September 2020 at Tivoli Vredenburg in Utrecht, (The video of the live stream is on YouTube - see below). Another project won the prize of the online cultural challenge of Netherlands embassy in Tehran, the purpose of the project is to make a bridge between these 2 cultures by introducing Persian folk songs arranged by a Dutch composer (as a point of view of a Dutch arranger) and Dutch folk songs.
Below you can find directlink to Youtube-videos:
Rumi Cycle![]() |
Op.7, No.1 by Julius Röntgen![]() |