Festival Jong Talent 2022 - Schiermonnikoog

Pau Hernández graduated in 2021 for his master in Classical Piano at the Conservatorium van Amsterdam. He submitted his application to request our support to finance his attendance to the chamber music festival and masterclass Festival Young Talent on Schiermonnikoog.

In The Netherlands one of the most important festivals is the International Chamber Music Festival of Schiermonnikoog, which also has a festival for young musicians, where they offer concerts and masterclass. The Schiermonnikoog Young Talent Festival offers the guidance of world-renowned teachers and musicians, and it also provides some extra activities: concert engagements (Wonderfeel and International Chamber Music Festival Schiermonnikoog), a consult with manager Annebeth Webb from HarrisonParrott, and a recording session with producer and the label owner of 7 Mountain Records. There is also a professional photoshoot, physical therapy, yoga, styling consultation, and a mental health coach. The piano teacher is Avedis Kouyoumdjian, an international soloist and teacher in Viena and the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel in Belgium, two of the leading music schools in Europe.